Friday, June 09, 2006

Re-licensing visit complete

We done this meeting every year for six years and I answered most of the questions as soon as we sat down. "The presciption meds are all locked up. We do not have any fire arms. We put new batteries in all the smoke and carbon monoxide detecters this morning. We have three fire extinguishers: one in the hall outside Evan's door; one in the kitchen; and one in the room where the furnace is. We have made no revisions on the house and nobody new has moved in with us." He chuckled, "Any hazardous chemicals?" I even had made a list of all or training hours. We are supposed to have 12 each. I have 47 hours and Hubby has 20. (PFLAG counts for both of us and Al-Anon and counseling sessions count for me. We both went to an all-day diversity workshop they provided in the fall).

We signed the grievance policy, discipline policy, and partnership agreement, as we do every year.

We signed up for the new class in behavior de-escalation techniques that replaces the restraint training we had before (no form of restraint is now approved). It also turns out that we have missed the "Child Safe" class somehow and will have to take that the next time it is offered.

We will be sent information on available first aid and CPR classes. We will both do first aid classes and Hubby will definitely take CPR. I had the conversation I have every time there is a new Family Developer (almost every year) about CPR. "Did the last Family Devloper leave any kind of note in the file about me and CPR?" "No." "Okay. See, I pulled a kid out of a pool once. He was the son of one of my best friends. He was purple when I got to him and I gave him mouth-to-mouth. He survived with brain damage. I tried to take the class when we were first licensed and it was very difficult. I did not expect to, but I kept breaking down and crying. I don't want to do that in a group of people again. If you want for me to take CPR refresher class, I would like to know how to arrange a private lesson." "What did they do the last time?" "I've been excused from the requirement every year." "I'll talk to my supervisor. We will probably excuse you again."

We have to go to the DMV to get copies of our driving record which we were supposed to have done six years ago but didn't (I honestly have no memory of being asked). Some things have now become yearly: a note from the doctor saying we are fit to be foster parents; copies of our insurance policies; and TB tests. I am not a happy camper. I had the insurance policies ready, and I did my TB test a few months ago. Hubby did his too, but forgot to mail in his results and so may have to go do it all over again.

We assured him that we were doing fine; our social worker responds to us in a timely manner; and we do not perceive any areas in which we need more training.

I gave my yearly complaints: the increased work load on the social workers is a problem; there is still no training or support for the biokids.

Well... I am off the the DMV. If I don't get these things done quickly I will forget about them.

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