Monday, January 01, 2007

I got tagged

Lionmom did it.

I have to confess that I felt left out and relieved when no one was tagging me. Now I feel included and a little grumpy...

Okay, though, Lionmom says it is six weird things.

The problem is that I'm not weird. At least not to me. So I decided to ask six people. Four of the are real, two of them are based upon a comment that someone(s) have said to me...

Brian, "If it were Dad I could give you like a hundred things. You do make really funny noises when you are angry."

Andrew, "You read really hard philosophy books and children's novels. That's weird. And you own every single Buffy episode on DVD. You practically have them memorized. That's pretty weird. Does the thing where you get names and stuff mixed up ALL THE TIME, count?"

[Aside: Nancy standing by said, "You get names wrong?" Jackie, whose name is not actually 'Jackie', "Yeah, she calls me 'Jackie' all the time. You know, some of my teachers at school started calling me 'Jackie' too. That's really wierd, but it isn't about you." Have I mentioned that the only people in my real life who know about the blog, other than immediate family are a couple of school teachers?]

Husband, "You are not weird." [Is it weird that I married him just before my 22nd birthday and I am still married to him? Or that in three months I will have been married for half of my life?]

Colleagues from work, "You are a philosopher who goes to church."

Students who don't know me well, "You are a feminist, and they are supposed to be man-hating, and you have all those boys."

My there is a gold mine:

1 "You once came into a pep rally in roller skates and a tutu!" "I was in the drama club. We all did that. It was a planned part of the rally." "Being in the drama club is weird."

2. "You just wore what you wanted. You never even cared what all the other kids wore. Remember that skirt you made? Was it a Renaissance costume?" "No, it was just a full length skirt." "It stuck out. You made that ruffled slip thing that went under it." "It was comfortable." "You wore it to high school -- a lot. You scarred me for life. You still just wear what you like and you have absolutely no idea what is in fashion."

3. "You are totally blunt. You just say things without trying to make them soft or worrying about what people will think." "Like what?" "When I first got married and I complained to you that my husband did not help with the chores and I asked you why men didn't help more you said it was because their penises get in the way!" "I was joking." "Just last week to said that you were taking the kitten to the vet to have his balls cut off." "I'm not mean though, am I?" "No, just blunt."

4. "You're the best story-teller I know. When you tell me about something that happenned I never think 'guess you had to be there.' You always make me feel like I am there." "Well, thanks, but I don't think that qualifies." "It's unusual." "Can you think of anything else?"

5. "You get stuck in a book and no matter what happens around you, you won't hear it." "That's not weird. Lots of people do that. Can't you think of anything that is really weird?"

6. "I bet you do that thing that Dad does. When you are thinking really hard about something do you start moving your lips and your hands?"

Um....well...yeah...I guess that is a little weird.


Okay...Lionmom says I am supposed to tag other people, but I don't know who hasn't been tagged yet... Is it fair to say if you are on my blog roll and haven't been tagged yet, you are hereby tagged?

Tag, you're it.


  1. Andrew, "You read really hard philosophy books and children's novels. That's weird. And you own every single Buffy episode on DVD. You practically have them memorized. That's pretty weird. Does the thing where you get names and stuff mixed up ALL THE TIME, count?"

    This could have been said about me.

  2. Cluttergirl wants me to come up with six NEW weird things since I keep reposting the same old thing each time I'm tagged.

    I like your idea of conducting interviews.


Comments will be open for a little while, then I will be shutting them off. The blog will stay, but I do not want either to moderate comments or leave the blog available to spammers.