Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Catching up

this is a somewhat more relaxed week for me -- as opposed to the crazy-busy weeks have been having for the last 6 weeks. It will get crazy busy again soon, so this is the week for catching up.

If you sent a request to be on the private blog and did not receive an answer, please send a new request. If I had meant to tell you that I didn't want to let you in, I promise I would not have ignored you. I just didn't get to it. There isn't much going on there these days, but if you are interested in the archives, let me know. Let me know also if you just want access or if you want email notification of posts.

I have some blogs that I have been reading that I am going to add to the blog roll. I'm pretty sure that I am going to delete the actual blog roll and just stick with the notification box. If you have a blog that you want me to consider please leave a comment with a link. Don't be shy, to get readers you need to let people know about you.


  1. i would love to read the private blog



  2. I would like to read your private blog.

    I also have a blog or two that you might find interesting. At maia-familtyimes.blogspot.com I write about my large adoptive family (my 4 newest sibs are from the foster care system, as are one of my nephews and one of my nieces). At ceyjasdays.blogspot.com I write about my sister's leukemia. At kidsintreatment.blogspot.com I write about my job running a residential treatment program for foster kids. The last blog is private but only so I know who is reading it. I don't know if you are interested, but if you are let me know and I'll send you (or anyone else who doesn't work with me) an invite.

    Thanks for sharing - I really enjoy reading this blog of yours and have learned a lot from your writing.



Comments will be open for a little while, then I will be shutting them off. The blog will stay, but I do not want either to moderate comments or leave the blog available to spammers.