Monday, February 16, 2009

Becoming Brothers

It just hit me that Brian and Gary are acting like brothers. Not just two boys who happen to live here, not even like two boys who get along really well.

Like brothers.

Real brothers.

You know, the kind that can argue about anything, anytime.


  1. That's fantastic news for Gary - you're really his family now, if you weren't already.

  2. I've loved seeing (reading) these transitions...that's great...ok..well maybe not the arguing but the sense of belonging.

  3. Oh fun, squabbling! Just what you have been waiting for.

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    They must love each other. X-D

  5. I haven't read the blog since the beginning. Have any of the other boys acted that way with Brian or Andrew?

  6. Is this just anther way of saying how happy you are not to have girls? :)

  7. LOL is this a wonderful euphemism for "the kids are fighting like cats & dogs"?

    But you're right- its wonderful. What an awesome relief that must be to see them have that relationship.

  8. Ah, not pretend TV brothers, but REAL brothers!


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