Monday, March 05, 2007

Various little things (updated)

Things that don't make a whole post entry:

One of Andrew's friends is taking one of my classes. Technically he is the older brother of one of Andrew's best friends, but this older brother has been in my basement nearly every weekend for maybe two years. I often make them pizza and we never have any left-overs these days because he takes them back to the dorm. I wonder if he tells the other students that I made them?

I am going into this class sooo carefully organized. I am sooo conscious of wanting this to be a good class. I just keep imagining this boy saying to Andrew, "Dude, your mom is like so confusing."


Evan is emailing me about typical friction between him and his grandmother and aunt. He did not move in with his aunt as planned. She was not ready to pack up the room of her daughter who died last year. It seems perfectly reasonable to me, but Evan is irritated because she did not tell him herself but asked Grandma to do it for her. He is also irritated that everyone is treating him like a little kid reminding him to "be on his best behavior." I've been telling him this normal.


I'm feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the blog. I don't dislike any one thing I have written, but it feels unbalanced. It is all theory and no practice. I'm worried that as a whole it is becoming preachy. I tell myself that I don't have to write, but I still want to. Someone else will say something that gets me thinking and I will want to write to work out my thoughts. So it is not what I am writing that bothers me it is the balance. Then I think do I want them to place a kid here so that I write a more balanced blog? That seems absurd.


I am really curious to hear from Miss E in the morning. I confess I have a not entirely honorable interest in how long it is going to last. This is a young woman's life, but part of me is thinking about it as something casual -- like I'm watching someone build a house of cards and wondering how high it will get. I'm not proud, but I'm itching to hear what she has to tell me.


I've been reading The Girls Who Went Away when I should have been doing school work this weekend. It has made me think about events and silence regarding those events in my own family. I don't know if I want to write about it. If I do it should probably on the private blog. I don't know... Is writing it on the private blog only respecting other people's privacy, or a further act of collusion in silence? Or is it just protecting myself from trolls?

Update: I asked Miss E about her new home and the people in it. She had only negative things to report, but she spoke with a sense of humor. She is trying. It seems hard to believe that she will cope long in a family with 5 kids ages 2 to 13, but she is trying. I know nothing about this family, but my guess is that this is going to be more difficult for her than the last home. If she makes it there at least a few months, maybe Hubby, the boys and I could take her for the very end. She only has 5 months to go. Only 3 1/2 months until the end of the semester. The 6 weeks between school and her birthday are going to be bad, I predict she will be AWOL pretty much constantly. I keep hoping...


  1. A few years ago, the daughter of my father's long-time secretary was in my big lecture class. Stella started working for my Dad when he was 25, fresh out of law school, and she was 18, fresh from her secretarial course.
    Fast-forward 30 years or so, and his kid was teaching her kid (note that class hierarchy remained intact across the generation). I was better prepared for class that semester than I had ever been.

  2. What do you teach?

    Hope you write about it, in either blog.


Comments will be open for a little while, then I will be shutting them off. The blog will stay, but I do not want either to moderate comments or leave the blog available to spammers.