One More "What If"
I don't know that it would have made a difference for Frankie or not...this what if is so far from what we did experience that I can't project us into it and predict an outcome.
But still...what if Frankie was the only child?
So, so often I think placements end because of conflict between siblings.
Ann left Mandy because she got into a fist fight with another girl. She left me, in large part, because it was too hard on Andrew and Brian to see her scream at us. Well, you know, that and she insisted on being moved and threatened to harm one of us if she didn't -- but the risk assessment there again involved the boys.
David's younger brothers lost their last pre-adoptive placement because of the stress they were putting on the previously adopted son. (There are more details, but they are irrelevant).
This is not an argument for separating siblings (although I do think that sometimes they replicate in their own relationships the abuse they experienced from their parents and must be separated), but it is an argument for more single child adoptive and foster homes.
One child plus one child does not equal two children. One child plus one child equals two children and their relationship.
Before, there were just your needs and the child's needs. If the child needed quiet time, the child got quiet time. If the child's anxiety regarding food meant that you needed to keep plenty of food in plain sight, you did. If they child needed to rage, you coped.
But when you have one child who needs to SEE that there is plenty of food, and another who is a compulsive eater and needs for a good deal of food to be out of sight. Well, then you have a problem.
When one child needs everything to slow down and be quiet for a while, and the other needs to express rage ... you get the idea.
Ann has been moved and moved and moved again. I have said since she left me that she needed to be the only child or a child with much older siblings. I don't know if she would have succeeded in that environment, but it was never tried.
And I wonder if Frankie would have managed better in a family with no other children. I don't know.
But I find myself wanting to beg all of you who are parenting one traumatized child not to take another. I want, without really knowing the details of your home, to say that if things are going well, maybe that is because your child is getting what he or she needs.
I don't know really what is going on in your homes. I don't know what is best for you.
But I wonder how many placements have ended primarily because of concerns for children already in the home.
I'm turning anonymous commenting back least for this post. If you have a disruption experience you are willing to share, please do. And you can leave it anonymously if you like.